Member Resources

Here are some great resources to learn and play with wine! Join our wine club, we have a full calendar of events to engage wine enthusiast and new wine enthusiast a-like.

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Vines Play Wine tasting guide

Download your wine tasting guide by clicking on the download below. This package includes a one pager for your wine tasting, an aroma wheel and wine hue guide and also a wine tasting guide for up to four wines at a time.


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Purchase wine Play Book

Chanile Vines founder of Vines Play wrote an e-book to inspire people to create fun moments and memories to enjoy and savour. Food and wine have always been a statement of passion in our lives. This book will help you get all the foundation information you need to develop your love for wine, and more importantly to start having fun with your new found passion! Cheers to friends, a glass of wine, and life well-worth enjoying!
